The Walk in the Rose Garden
Even before new research added texture to this tapestry, historians told the story of the “walk in the Wentworth rose garden” that Witte and Komura, the chief diplomats, supposedly took when negotiations were breaking down. Legend had it that the two dismissed their attaches and went for a private talk where they would be less likely to be overheard. Historians interpret from the diaries that the walk may have taken place on August 13th. It certainly was in character -- both delegations made full use of the hotel's facilities; with reports on both sides of strolls in the garden and cigars in the Palm Room.
Today a magnificent magnolia tree stands in sight of the hotel entrance in those gardens (left). It is supposed to have been the gift of a grateful Japanese nation to the hotel that had been their host. The evidence was lost when the hotel was shuttered for twenty years before reopening just in time for the Treaty Centennial in 2005. But the tree is approximately 100 years old; and the Japanese did present a Katsura tree to the Carey Family just across Little Harbor from the hotel, a gift of appreciation for their extended hospitality.
Such were the tableaux that O’Laughlin reported to the President. This was the tension that grew tauter by the day, until at noon on August 29th, Henry Cooper burst out of his hotel radio room. Korosotvetz’ diary repeats the Sun newspaper account of the day: “The inhabitants of the hotel and a crowd of journalists were awaiting news, assembled in the lower hall of the hotel. The telephone boy came up to one of the correspondents and told him that Mr. Korostovetz was telephoning from the Navy Yard. There was a rush of correspondents from every direction; they piled up arms over shoulders around the telephone. 'Hallo!' said the man at the telephone. ‘Yes, the other correspondents are here... I will repeat to them, let her go. 'In the session of Aug 29th, the Conference -- What?' the question came as sharp and sudden as the crack of a whip. His tone sent a thrill through seconds of absolute silence before he went on repeating, in a voice that shook a little. ‘The Conference arrived at a complete accord on all questions. It has been decided to proceed to an elaboration of the treaty of peace. The Conference adjourned until three o'clock this afternoon.' The telephone receiver dropped from his hand and the thud brought the group of correspondents back to their senses. There arose a murmur -- many voices saying over and over almost under their breaths: 'Peace! Peace!' and for fully ten seconds no one moved.”
Another article, “Great Excitement at Wentworth” continues the thread: "A scene of great excitement followed the receipt of the news in the lobby of Hotel Wentworth. The official bulletin was telephoned from the conference room at the navy yard by Mr. Sato and like an electric thrill flooded through the room. There were screams of joy. Men threw their hats aloft; women actually wept. Then there was a rush for the telegraph offices and in an instant the news was speeding to the remotest corners of the earth.
M. Witte, accompanied by Baron De Rosen came to the hotel for luncheon. There was a wonderful demonstration upon their arrival. A great crowd had collected under the porch of the annex where the Russians were quartered and when their automobile drew up the air was torn with frantic cheers. Hats were thrown aloft. M. Witte, as he stepped out of the motor car, seemed quite overcome. Too full for utterance, he could only grasp and shake the hands that were extended to him. Baron Rosen was equally moved and received the congratulations of the crowd in silence. For about five minutes the two plenipotentiaries were kept on the porch listening to the incoherent phrases of the hotel guests.
Forcing his way to the door, M. Witte encountered the members of the Russian mission who rushed forward to shake his hand. Briefly in Russian he gave them the joyful tidings. Then, as he started up the stairs, the newspaper correspondents clamored for information. “What have you done? How is it settled?” they cried. “We pay not a copeck of indemnity,” he replied, as he turned at the landing half way up the stairway, “and we get half of Sakhalin. That is the agreement in a nutshell.”
Summing up the day, a third correspondent wrote, “Everybody and his wife was at The Wentworth on Tuesday evening. The scene was animated and interesting. Members of both embassies were seen in the office, on the verandas, and in the palm room and the newspaper men were everywhere. Autographs were eagerly sought and some of the ambassadorial attaches must have written their names dozens of times. It was the great night of the year.”
The “International Love Fest”
Wentworth was also the setting for the dramatic public celebration of peace by both sides. On September 4th, the night before the Treaty signing, the Japanese delegation hosted a reception for all. This “International Love Feast” as the event's name was translated from the Japanese, was reported in detail. Though some reporters took the opportunity to maintain their sense of drama finding cool expressions where there were perhaps no deeper meanings, one reporter said this was the first occasion in which the Russians and Japanese greeted each other cordially, and appeared to “bury the hatchet.”
The Herald reported the event: “At The Wentworth on Monday evening, the Japanese embassy gave a reception to the guests of the hotel and others, in the ball room. It was a notable event and was made all the more so by the presence of M. Witte, Baron Rosen and their suites. It was, in fact, a love feast, marking the resuscitation of friendly relations between the two nations that have for a year and half been fighting for the control of the Far East.
The guests of the evening were received by Baron Komura, Minister Takahira, Mr. Sato, Mr. Yamaza, Mr. Honda, Mr. Hanihara, Col Tachimina, and Lieut. Cmdr. Takashita. They were assisted by Gov. and Mrs. McLane. The members of the Russian embassy present were the following: M. Witte, Baron Rosen, Prof. De Maartens, Gen Vermoloff, and seven others from the delegation. Secretary Peirce, Rev. William P. George of Poughkeepsie NY, and Rev. Dr. Dickle of Philadelphia of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church were among the people present.
Toasts were drunk to Japan and Russia, to the treaty and to the continued prosperity of the East. It was a gathering the like of which NH can hardly hope to see again. It marked the beginning of a new era in the East and celebrated the ending of a war which has broken more military and naval records than any other conflict in history.”
Next: In appreciation