In Appreciation
The Japanese Charitable Fund
Both delegations sent formal letters of thanks with their checks for $10,000 to Governor McLane, for the hospitality extended by the State. While one newspaper estimated that the hotel bill at Wentworth came to $25,000 the accommodations were provided at no cost. The Governor used these monies to create a charitable fund still exists today. On receipt, the New Hampshire legislature established a three-man board of trustees headed by the Secretary of State to oversee the disbursements, paid from interest income each year to charitable causes. In the aftermath of the Bolshevik Revolution and Soviet Cold War, the Russians defaulted on the bonds (pictured, below) that backed the Fund, so the program is now known simply and the principal maintained as the Japanese Charitable Fund.
The letters from both delegations present their views of the hospitality provided:
From the Russians:
To His Excellency John McLane,Governor of NH.
Sir—I have the honor, on behalf of the imperial Russian government, to express to the governor and people of the state of NH their high appreciation of the generous hospitality extended to their plenipotentiaries and commissioners at the peace conference at Portsmouth. By order of the imperial government I beg to remit to you the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000), with the request to have it distributed as you may see fit among the charitable institutions of your state. Accept, sir, the assurance of my high consideration. -- Rosen, Ambassador
And from the Japanese,
His Excellency Hon. John McLane, Governor of NH
Dear Sir---As a slight token of high appreciation for the many marks of courtesy and consideration which have been shown to the plenipotentiaries of Japan and their suite during their sojourn in the state of NH we take the liberty to enclose herewith a check for the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000), which we request you will be good enough to utilize for such charitable purposes in the state of NH as your excellency may deem fit. Thanking your excellency in advance for the trouble which we trust you will have the kindness to take on our behalf, we have the honor to be your obedient servants. -- Kutaro Komura, K. Makahira
Baron Komura defined the importance of the people’s role in the peace negotiated in New Hampshire in a separate telegram to Governor McLane, writing, “…the share you have contributed to the cause of peace will be highly appreciated not only by the government and people of Japan, but also by the lovers of peace all over the world.”
The Official Telegram from Roosevelt
Perhaps the ultimate honor was accorded to the Wentworth in a symbolically appropriate way, as the hotel provided the means for a happy ending to the story of how Portsmouth figured in the peace. On August 31st, the official congratulatory telegram from President Roosevelt to the Emperor of Japan was sent, via plenipotentiary Komura in Portsmouth. On the Wentworth telegraph.
Wentworth By the Sea Hotel today.